viernes, 22 de octubre de 2010

past simple

Nombre de la actividad: Where am I from? Nivel: Basic A1. Contenidos: Past verbs, professions, adjectives, countries and nationalities. Habilidad: Reading, writing and speaking. Objetivos de la actividad: Students will be able to contrast the present simple from past simple producing their biography Descripción de la Actividad:warm up: students will reinforce the verbs past forms 1-Teacher will write on little pieces of paper verbs that he/she considers appropriate, verbs could be in infinitive, in past simple or past participle form. 2-Teacher will draw a table which will be divided in three columns/rows: infinitive, past simple and past participle. 3-Teacher will divide the group in two teams, each team will choose a leader and he/she will be the first person that will pass in front of the group. 4-Finally teacher will select a paper; he/she will say the verb. 5- Students will write the verb according to the column that he/she guess. 6- The team that writes more verbs in the correct column will be the winner. • Pre-activity: Students will read two articles. The first one will be in present simple only and the second one will be in past simple (e.g. a biography). After that, students will underline all the verbs that they find in both texts. • While-activity: Students will write themselves their own biography following the characteristics of the reading given as model. (60-80 words) • Post-activity: Students will pass in front of the group to read their biography. Recursos: Board, marker and worksheet. Bibliografía y/o Mesografía: English File, Oxford, elementary level.

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